Donna holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from Ball State University. She has also completed teaching licensure programs in Elementary and Special Education at St. Mary of the Woods College. After college, she was employed as a Field Examiner for the Indiana State Board of Accounts (SBOA) in the Muncie area for 16 years. During her time with the SBOA, she performed audits of a wide variety of state and local governmental units, including towns, cities, counties, hospitals, state agencies and state universities.Upon leaving the Indiana State Board of Accounts, she taught in schools at Anderson and Muncie before beginning employment with Michael E. Williams, C.P.A., L.L.C. in 2011.Donna and her husband Bill reside in Muncie, Indiana.

Donna can be contacted at Hartman & Williams

Hartman and Williams, LLC
16 S. Franklin Street
Bloomfield, Indiana  47424
Phone (812) 227-8075
Fax (812) 227-8078
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